Day: December 4, 2017

A Brief Tutorial on the Sexualization of Western Civilization

Three facts. That’s all you need to know to explain the current sexual landscape in America. It’s really not that complex. Three simple facts alone will explain it all.

FACT ONE: Generally speaking, males are aggressive. And they are aggressive sexually. Your eyes tell you that, your logic tells you that, nature tells you that, all of history tells you that. If you don’t believe anybody else, including the Bible, read Freud. He was a nut-job about a lot of things, but not about man’s aggressiveness. See his “Civilization and Its Discontents.” He said it was a human universal for males and that there was/is no cure for it, including the “illusion” of religion, and, specifically, Christianity. Expect it. Bet on it. Deal with it.

In the non-human animal kingdom, lions fight viciously to be “king of the hill,” not to gain acreage, but access, access, that is, to sexual privileges with all local lionesses. That is not totally unnatural to many male animals. None of that is to comment on masculine morality, however; it is to state a demonstrable fact. Expect it. Bet on it. Deal with it.

FACT TWO: Generally, speaking, all females of the animal kingdom, both human and non-human, have a powerful sexual effect on males. No normal female of the human species could possibly fail to realize that. It is written all over the human landscape. Want proof? Here is one of fifty obvious examples: whether a capitalist wants to sell cars, cabbages, or candidates, he will do so, about 97.3% of the time, by associating his product with skimpily-dressed well-formed young females. (Note the adjectives.) That is not by accident. The formula is magic. It’s market. It’s money. That is not a judgment on female morality. It is to state a demonstrable fact. Expect it. Bet on it. Deal with it.

FACT THREE: Who knows when the dam broke—in the 18th century “enlightenment,” the “flapper” twenties, or—most obviously and explosively—in the 1960’s in America—when “casual sex” (a societal blasphemic oxymoron) swept over the nation. “If it feels good, go for it!” “Have fun and let the devil take the hindermost.” “If she gets pregnant, run.” “If you become pregnant, kill the baby.” “This ain’t your father’s Oldsmobile.” The mantra became something like, “Who cares that the history of the race has proven that the nuclear family provides the best chance for personal and societal good, my body and my choices belong to me and to me only. And don’t talk to me about ‘being responsible.’ Butt outa my life!”

And thus, in our time and place, in such a nuclear atmosphere, the nuclear family has been replaced by the nuclearized non-family, lethal for individuals and society as well. No thoughtful person could possibly be surprised. It was all as inevitable as the sun-rise. Only myopic morons, out-IQd by turnips, thought differently.

The solution? Slowly. Seriously. Quietly. Patiently. Personally. Commitedly. Walk toward the light of the lessons of history. And the message of Him who created all three—males, females, and morals, and told us—repeatedly—how the three, in proper relationship, will, inevitably as sun-rise, create health in private and public life. In truth, that is the only hope for our survival in any meaningful sense. Maybe it’s not too late.

Will and Ariel Durant are helpful here. After completing their monumental eleven-volume “Story of Civilization,” they had this final word: “The greatest challenge for modern man is whether or not civilization can survive without the constraints and consolations of religion.” A personal assignment: ponder, studiously, the significance of those two words, “constraints” and “consolations.” America is in short supply and serious need of both. In any meaningful sense.

Bill Anderson
Grapevine, Texas