Day: January 29, 2019

The Descent

Did you think America couldn’t fall off the floor?

Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, is lauding the state legislature for overwhelmingly adopting legislation which takes away every vestige of legal protection for a human being from the moment of conception until some undefined point after the child is born.

Several significant facets of the legislation shock the onlooker: (a) The age at which an abortion-escapee might be allowed to live is not determined. Will anybody be surprised if it’s two years? (One Democrat politician says that no result of a pregnancy should be labeled “human” until it has left the hospital.) (b) No doctor is required to do the abortion; nurses, physicians assistants, midwives, etc., may perform the procedure in “non-surgical or chemical” ways. (Would he be sued for producing an abortion if, say, a mechanic was the closest available thing to a medical practitioner?) (c) If a pregnant woman is injured and loses a pregnancy—no matter how far along she is—no homicide charges may be made against the killer of her unborn child.

All perceptive Americans said, following Roe v Wade in 1973, this is not the end, but the beginning. So here: this new state law in New York is not the end, either. Cuomo said the move was “progressive.” One asks, “Progressing toward what?” “What next step of ‘progress’ might we expect?” And, “What does a progressive Nirvana look like in its final stage?” There is no need to warn you, dear reader, that the idea of “death panels” for the elderly is still very close to the hearts of the left. If an infant is denied life because he/she is an inconvenience and/or he/she is economically non-productive…well, do the logic. Again, we predicted that back in 1973.

The most horrific charge, perhaps, that God made against old Israel, was that she had “the forehead of a harlot,” meaning the people had lost the capacity to blush. The Brit Stuart Barton Babbage once said, “Humans are the only animals that blush—or need to.” In the New York senate chamber, there were no reports of anyone blushing. New Yorkers rose in thunderous applause at the news of the new legislation. And Cuomo, getting into the spirit of the moment, had pink lights turned on in city buildings.

In the year 2016, 87,325 abortions were reported(!) in New York City alone. Imagine a city of that size losing all its inhabitants in a geological disaster! We’d be aghast. Well, we would have been aghast. Not now. We don’t need a disaster from the outside; we create them ourselves. (For a wider canvas, since Roe, over 60 million abortions have occurred in America. That’s the size of England. Or Italy.)

We have it on the authority of the moral illuminati of the left that we should treat M-13 animals with care because “every human has a bit of divinity in them.” “Divinity” for the blood-thirsty slaughterers, dissection (and sales!) for American babies. Tears for the brutish; trash cans for babies.
The graveyard of nations is jammed with remnants of once-powerful empires, even civilizations. In fact, that is the theme, the central ontological reality, the “bottom line” of this thing called history for collectives whose morals go south—as America is experiencing. You could call it falling off the floor into graves.

In the meantime: (a) Don’t give up! Outlive and outlove the moral idiots. (b) Don’t sell out or sit out; get up and get out and “tell the generation following” (Psalm 48:13) the glorious—and unchanging—truth of God’s word and way. (c) Finish your course with joy (Acts 20:24)! America is over-run with mean-spirited down-in-the-mouth grumblers. Refuse to drink their enervating elixir! (d) Anticipate the moment George Bernard Shaw once spoke of when he predicted a day when “God will step onto the stage of history and say, ‘Gentlemen, the play is over!'” A memorable line from a famed playwright!

A final word: God the Almighty will judge America for her moral turpitude as surely as the sun runs its diurnal course. (The applause/apoplexy factor on that occasion, by the way, will be intriguing.) There is only one escape from such a day: God yielding His throne to Mr. Cuomo and his ilk. Don’t bet the farm on that happening. Long shot.

Bill Anderson
Grapevine, Texas